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The Greatest Crypto Community in the World


Never in my life have I seen such an open, welcoming, knowledgeable, and dedicated community, until I found Richard Heart and #HEX.

"Hexicans", aka investors in $HEX who truly believe in the product and go above and beyond just to educate, help and maintain the community, have blown me away.

It must be said however, that it is almost impossible to mention every contributing community member. I will name the relevant members in this post.

For the last number of months and nearly every day, members of the community have stayed on Twitter for hours on end(sometimes even days.. no joke) in what is called "Twitter Spaces"; a voice chat room where anyone can join from Twitter.

What are they talking about? EVERYTHING. They are educating, speaking about high level finance, high level of crypto game theory, life experiences, Pulsechain, Pulsex, and have seen some very prominent names come into the space and drop knowledge bombs for FREE.

Nearly every day or every other day, high level developers and business people drop by; Even @RichardHeartWin himself, will drop by from time to time and give everyone in the chatroom a few or more free IQ points. It. Is. Incredible.

It is very hard to pin the creation of the spaces to one or a few members of the community, however I commonly see spaces hosted by @HexOrca nearly every day. It truly is amazing.

If you are looking for something educational to listen to while on the go, Check out the twitter spaces on mobile and follow:

@MotleyInvestor @HexOrca @FundingGym @cryptothafamous @J__Future

First time dropping by? They will happily give you the mic to ask any questions you may have regarding almost anything to do with Hex, Pulsechain, PulseX and much more. No need to be shy, they will welcome you with open arms.

And just when you think it couldn't get much better, it can. In a mere 6 days, $640,000 USD was raised to fund a HEX.COM Nascar Racecar... In 6 days. 6. DAYS. By the community, aka investors in Hex.

Unfortunately, JJ Yelley did not qualify for the Daytona 500, however there are two more upcoming races that will give the 55 car a second and 3rd chance at HEX glory. Here is the schedule in @agapehex 's own words, who to my knowledge is one of the lead hands in orchestrating the Hex Nascar:

"Nascar Update:

is driving the HEX car for the Xfinity series in Las Vegas Sat, Mar 5, 4:30 PM in the #66 Toyota Supra. THEN, he will race the #55 car at Talladega

April 24.

happy hour 2 come."

There is so much in store for those who enter the community, which makes the investment in Hex an even more amazing investment than I had ever imagined.

Thanks for reading and let us know who has impacted you the most from the Hex Community in the comments below!

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Sep 18, 2022



Will Carey
Will Carey
Aug 29, 2022

1 Day Closer Baby!!!!!!!!!


Will Carey
Will Carey
Aug 14, 2022

Absolutely the best community, INCLUDING YOU GRFX! I'm looking forward to seeing even a bigger community grow once the PULSE BULL RUN starts! Much love to all!!!


Caleb Musa
Caleb Musa
Aug 11, 2022

I have been in crypto for a while now, but I can firmly say, my real journey in crypto started with Hex, that is when I saw real gain, and it game with delayed gratification


Jul 25, 2022

HEX community is strong together. Stack those T-Shares and play the longevity game. This is the way to generational wealth. Ignore all this temporary noise.

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